Howard County Government, Indiana
220 N Main St Rm 222
Kokomo, IN 46901
Office hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday
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County Assets
State Group Totals 09/06/2024 331
Local Group Totals 09/06/2024 314
Department Totals 09/06/2024 314
Fund Totals 09/06/2024 305
Vendor Totals 09/06/2024 315
Acquired How Totals 09/06/2024 322
Disposal Method Totals 09/06/2024 301
Property Assessment Statistics
Townships 09/06/2024 289
Tax Districts 09/06/2024 299
School Corporations 09/06/2024 300
School Corporations and Tax Districts 09/06/2024 77
Townships and Property Class Groups 09/06/2024 849
Tax Districts and Property Class Groups 09/06/2024 293
School Corps and Property Class Groups 09/06/2024 291
Property Class Groups 09/06/2024 292
Property Codes 09/06/2024 303
Deductions 09/06/2024 321
Flags 09/06/2024 314
Parcel with Problems 09/06/2024 336
Property Tax Statistics
Circuit Breaker Caps Losses 09/06/2024 304
AVs, Deductions, Taxes 09/06/2024 331
Tax Credits by Tax Districts 09/06/2024 299
Tax Payer Portion by Types 09/06/2024 314
Entities Totals (Taxing Units) 09/06/2024 327
Top Tax Payers List 09/06/2024 352
Top NAV List 09/06/2024 158
Yearly Tax Collections - by Tax Districts 09/06/2024 327
Yearly Tax Collections - by Entities 09/06/2024 339